What we'll do
Coding Girls Western Visayas together with WordPress Iloilo and Google Business Group and in partnership with Parole and Probation Administration Region 6 and Maven will launch a Learn-to-Code Outreach Program targeting female members of parolees and probationers group.
The program will start with 15 pre-selected learners and Coding Girls W.Visayas and WordPress Iloilo will come in as mentors. This will be a series of workshops with the goal of giving these women the technical knowledge they need in order to survive in the tech world. We need volunteers from WordPress Iloilo to help us in this whole-day workshop.
What to bring
Learners will be using PPA's computers, if you want to learn along with them you can bring your own laptop.
Important to know
Coding Girls Western Visayas and WP Iloilo members who attend will come in as mentors and volunteers. This is limited to 10 for now but this will be a series of workshops and those who can't come can attend the next one.